Project: MayFair

It has been dubbed “the event of the year” by some locals and with fun rides and great food, it’s not hard to see why many locals look forward to the Mayfair each year.

The Mayfair 2015, held on Friday and Saturday, was blessed with perfect autumn weather, and then, just to prove how great the blessing, there was an unseasonal thunderstorm over Vryheid on Sunday afternoon when it was all over.

The weather certainly helped to get record crowds through the gates, and in the late afternoons and evenings especially, masses of people flocked to the funfair and its exciting rides. It was like a last fling before the gloom of winter, and the community was determined to make the most of it.

Vryheid Lions President, Teresa Seegers, expressed her total satisfaction with the event. She said it turned out to be a perfect occasion with a peaceful atmosphere and very well-behaved crowds. She said that this wonderful support would enable the Vryheid Lions to do lots of good deeds as they ploughed all the Mayfair profits back into the community.

She said that the success of the Mayfair also depended on the contribution and cooperation from many other bodies, and thanked the following:

Ezrom and team from Sanbonani Security; KwaZulu Private Ambulance; Gavin, Gary, Wessel, Craig and members of the Cecil Emmett Sports Committee; Adriaan, Gavin, Rajesh, Marcel and the team from Vryheid Neighbourhood Watch; Sphe and his team from Siphefu Cleaning; John Kitching; Michael, Flip, Danie, Alet and Deputy Mayor Cllr Hadebe (who officially opened the Mayfair) of AbaQulusi Municipality, as well as the municipal Traffic Department and security personnel; Col Alan Westermeyer, Basie Bezuidenhout and the SAPS members; all the exhibitors and stall holders; the Vryheid Herald; ABI for the Coke cans, Francien from Screenworks, Amusements 4 Africa, Mercia Myburgh and Stepping Out Dance Academy.

Lions President Teresa also thanked their Lions members for their hard work and dedication – Peter and Cindy Mossop, Laurette Schoeman, Michael Richards and Ryan Seegers.

She especially thanked the community of Vryheid and its surroundings, including bus loads of rural school children, whose support makes the effort of organizing the Mayfair in the end so rewarding.

N A sparkling pageant at Cecil Emmett Hall last Saturday, Ashley Reimers was crowned Miss Mayfair 2015, with Rista van Rooyen and Nosipho Mbuli as her first and second princesses respectively. The pageant kick starts the Vryheid Lions Mayfair week.