Local Economic Development

Agriculture: Cultivating Prosperity in AbaQulusi

Vryheid is a growing town under abaQulusi Municipality, this is a town situated in Northern KwaZulu Natal and it was once and still known as the Agricultural Hub since it produces a lot of grain, vegetables, corn or maize, meat, milk, etc. 

Furthermore most of the neighboring markets are dependant on Vryheid’s fresh produce, Therefore as AbaQulusi Municipality we pride ourselves with all agricultural plantations that are cultivated on our Land as we refer this to “Our Green Gold”.

In Addition, our local Farmers also periodically host cattle auctions which benefits even those who are still farming at a small scale, hence this grows our economy.

Abaqulusi Mining

Vryheid is one of an interesting and valuable towns that have mineral resources such as Coal, Building Sands, etc. Hlobane Mine is one of the examples of the Mines that used to employ hundreds of South Africans from different Provinces before it was closed  in early 90s, however AbaQulusi area is still rich in Mineral resources. Furthermore there are many registered Mining SMMEs that are mining building sands around AbaQulusi Areas, hence this optimises our local economy.

Authorised Informal Trading

  • AbaQulusi Taxi Rank Trading Stalls In this case an investment has been made in making sure that proper Informal training Stalls were made for small Informal Traders to be able to run their businesses in a proper way.

  • Free Gazebbos with prescribed color codes have been awarded to those who trade on the street in order for them to trade in a neat and organized way